Allah Speaks To The Prophet Musa (PB)


Author :Saniyasnain Khan 
Publisher :Goodword Books

Author :Saniyasnain Khan 
Publisher :Goodword Books
Page :24

Description from the publisher :
A beautifully illustrated and creatively written story about the Prophet Musa.

About the author(s):
Saniyasnain Khan
Best selling author, Saniyasnain Khan, has written numerous books for children which have sold over a million copies worldwide. His books reflect his own love of story telling and his deep respect for the eternal message of the Quran. He hopes that his books will make the stories memorable for young children and will act as a foundation on which they may build a growing knowledge of the Quran.

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Author :Saniyasnain Khan 
Publisher :Goodword Books
Page :24

Description from the publisher :
A beautifully illustrated and creatively written story about the Prophet Musa.

About the author(s):
Saniyasnain Khan
Best selling author, Saniyasnain Khan, has written numerous books for children which have sold over a million copies worldwide. His books reflect his own love of story telling and his deep respect for the eternal message of the Quran. He hopes that his books will make the stories memorable for young children and will act as a foundation on which they may build a growing knowledge of the Quran.

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