Umm Aiman - A Woman From The


Umm Aiman, another book in the series about the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, is a delightfully written exploration of the life of Umm Aiman, an Abyssinian slave who worked as a maid in the house of Aminah, the Proph...

Umm Aiman, another book in the series about the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, is a delightfully written exploration of the life of Umm Aiman, an Abyssinian slave who worked as a maid in the house of Aminah, the Prophet’

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Umm Aiman, another book in the series about the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, is a delightfully written exploration of the life of Umm Aiman, an Abyssinian slave who worked as a maid in the house of Aminah, the Prophet’

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