Usool Ash-Shaashi (Arabic)


Practically every Darul Uloom in the world study this work on the principle of Islamic Jurisprudence. It is basic standard text book for Hanafi students and scholars. The book discusses the 4 fundamentals of Shariat, Quraan, Sunnat, Ijma and Qi...

Practically every Darul Uloom in the world study this work on the principle of Islamic Jurisprudence. It is basic standard text book for Hanafi students and scholars. The book discusses the 4 fundamentals of Shariat, Quraan, Sunnat, Ijma and Qiyaas.

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Practically every Darul Uloom in the world study this work on the principle of Islamic Jurisprudence. It is basic standard text book for Hanafi students and scholars. The book discusses the 4 fundamentals of Shariat, Quraan, Sunnat, Ijma and Qiyaas.

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